Steps of the project.

Clear goals
Focused – professional – blessed
Founding the organization, developing the software architecture | programming the CORE platform | adopting the existing codes from 2021 | developing marketing materials | building the HOST spiritual performance team | finding partners and supporters for creedle rockc | putting together the CORE team | programming the search logic based on SEO analyses | programming the API to import theological content from creedle rockc | and much more. Results: Everything was completed according to plan
FEB | creedle website goes live
APR | Completion of the partner program and official launch of the crowdfunding campaign, development of the prototypes of creedle rockc and creedle sharec
MAY | creedle rockc goes live in connection with creedle sharec in version 1.0
JUN | Development and implementation of creedle mediac, creedle mapc and creedle wordc
AUG | Start of implementation of central search engine
APR | Relaunch of the revised creedle rockc application in version 1.1
NOV | Go live of creedle mapc and the user content administration program mycreedle version 1.0
DEZ | Launch of the media platform creedle mediac
FEB | Launch of creedle wordc and creedle helpc in version 1.0
Completion of further creedlec in version 2.0 | Launch of version 3.0 in July 2025
20xx internationalization and further expansion
Get in touch
We’d love to hear from you!
We are thrilled about all the encouragement, feedback, and questions coming our way through people like you! Thank you for your response to this challenging, inspiring, exciting project. We will do our best to get back with you as quickly as possible within our two competent teams: