Over 160 theologians from various ministries and denominations have already joined together to help our HOST team generate new, unique content for the platform. The HOST team currently consists of the following individuals.
HOST Team:
- Tobias Kley (Evangelic, CEO creedle, GetAwayDays)
- Tomislav Jerkovic (Head of creedle rockc, lecturer at various theological training centres)
- Christopher Schacht (Founder Life Lion e.V., Theologian, Poductowner creedle mediac)
- Sr. Heidemarie Führer (Deaconess from Aldingen, music and religious education teacher, author, retired)
- Michael König (Preacher, co-worker of the Kontaktmission, former Bible School director Klostermühle)
- Ulrich Mack (Theologian, author, retired prelate)
- Ekkehart Vetter (Theologian, former chairman of the Evangelical Alliance, retired pastor of the Mülheim Association)
- Jürgen Schulz (Theologian, Rector of the Adelshofen Theological Seminary)
- Stefan Walliser (CEO arven.io, COO creedle, Head of Stadtmission Rottweil)
- Maike Sachs (Director of Studies at the Albrecht-Bengel-Haus Tübingen)
- Roland Abt (theologian, specialist for spiritual communities and movements in Department II, Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart)
Supervisor supporters:
- Ulrich Mack (HOST Team)
- Gabriele Braun (Author, international theologian)
- Ulrich Parzany (Evangelic, theologian, author, retired pastor)
Many supporters are currently developing the content of creedle rockc (and more are still coming):
Scott Way, Edgar Lutz, Marietta Jerkovic, Alexander Dalinger, Jürgen Schulz, Karl Karzelek, Dominik Klenk, Sr. Birgit Öwermann, Sr. Gabriele Goseberg, Alexander Drews, Dieter Trefz, Klaus-Peter Fosshag, Albrecht Wandel, Günther Beck, Ulrich Holland, Ting-Hui Herweg, Stefan Lepp, Björn Knubluch, Philipp Kuttler, Heinrich Derksen, Nicole Thiede, Daniel Rieger, Doron Lukat, Andreas Käser, Sr. Heidemarie Führer, Carsten Ziegert, Magnus Rabel, Kristina Stegemann, Uwe Rechberger, Aaron Lewin, Ulrich Schlittenhardt, Florian Hoppe, Hanna-Maria Henkel, Jenny Dyck, Claus und Johannes Lange, Hanna Naomi Moos, Volker Hillebrenner, Samuel Raiser, Katharina Trostel, Karsten Vehrs, Rolf Sons, Björn-Christian Grube, Michaela Heereman, Patrick Kaesberger, Magdalina Kroeker, Sarah Fischer, Jonathan Schneeweiß and many more.