for All.

Our mission

Making Jesus digitally visible together

All Christians make available on a common platform what they are, have and do.

All benefit, find and live their vocation.

All reach all with the best message in the world: Jesus.

The search database

Around questions about Jesus Christ

Did you know that only about 15% of the searches for Jesus Christ on Google realize Christian content as hits? We have therefore made it our business to put the first focus on this. Already over 160 theologians and Bible students are helping.

Highest visibility

With an SEO optimized portal interface

All creedle rockc content is newly created to avoid so called “duplicated content” and to achieve a good ranking on Google®.

At the same time, it is also very important for us to focus on the common denominator, regardless of denomination or confession: Jesus Christ.

Highest visibility

With an SEO optimized portal interface

All creedle rockc content is newly created to avoid so called “duplicated content” and to achieve a good ranking on Google®.

At the same time, it is also very important for us to focus on the common denominator, regardless of denomination or confession: Jesus Christ.

The start

into a virtual reformation

creedle is expected to grow into a major Christian platform in a few years. Together, we will connect the many initiatives of Christian offerings to reach people digitally.

The start

into a virtual reformation

creedle is expected to grow into a major Christian platform in a few years. Together, we will connect the many initiatives of Christian offerings to reach people digitally.

Our mission

Proclaiming the right message

Jesus gave us a commission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”

(Matthew 28:19).

At a time when God is playing an increasingly minor role with people, let’s take Jesus seriously: leave our comfort zone and go where more and more people are.

This is our mission – we pray for a digital reformation.

The creed of creedle is based on that of the Evangelical Alliance and emphasizes the Trinity (of God), the dignity of man in the image of God, salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the role of the Holy Spirit in regeneration, and the calling and empowerment of believers to proclaim the Gospel.

It also emphasizes the supreme authority of the Bible in matters of faith and lifestyle. creedle is Christ-centered, Gospel-centered, life-affirming, and unconventional in its approach.

People fishing.

People fishing