Live your Calling

…sharing faith has never been so easy

We believe that generosity is the way to prosperity. creedle encourages you to put the teachings of Jesus into practice, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35b Everything you can find on creedle is shared with everyone in seconds. With this feature, you can live out God’s calling for your life – in your neighborhood, in your city, in your country, and beyond: “Go ye therefore unto all nations, and invite men to become my disciples…”

At the same time, you can encourage other children of God, showing them what GOD could have in store for them.

Enjoy sharing

Only the beginning

More creedlec, more to share is an ever-growing ecosystem of platforms that increasingly cover all aspects of our daily lives and relate to Jesus. Because we Christians have infinite things to give together, more and more treasures are accumulating here, just waiting to be discovered and shared! Advertising for individual creedlec that have specific content for “(Not-Yet) Christians”!

Only the beginning

More creedlec, more to share is an ever-growing ecosystem of platforms that increasingly cover all aspects of our daily lives and relate to Jesus. Because we Christians have infinite things to give together, more and more treasures are accumulating here, just waiting to be discovered and shared! Advertising for individual creedlec that have specific content for “(Not-Yet) Christians”!

All creedle offers

For all people

Since creedle content actually comes from all of God’s children, there is sure to be something for everyone! On the one hand great diversity – at the same time a common solid basis: Jesus Christ. Christ-centered and solid.

Maybe you have something to share yourself that is encouraging and points to Jesus? Then let’s go:

You know, “Joy shared is joy doubled…or even joy multiplied”.